A School Health Policy Guide

Childhood Obesity is a serious dilemma affecting a troubling amount of our children today. USDA, with independent scientific advice, should establish nutritional standards for all food and beverage items served or sold in schools. Along with these physical side effects, psychological damage can occur by being obese as a child as well. With the general lack of long-term success of obesity interventions for older children, and with children's food and taste preferences largely developed by age 2, healthy nutrition and physical activity needs to begin from birth.

Prescription of weight control programs, dietary advice or other individual interventions for the obese child should remain the role of the pediatrician, general practitioner, dietitian or other clinically trained staff. Plan healthy snacks at specific times.

Conclusions These longitudinal results show that Childhood Obesity Ted Talk after a simple year long intervention the difference in prevalence of overweight in children seen at 12 months was not sustained at three years. Implementation of after school programs that emphasize physical activities such as kickball and basketball should be a priority.

1Children and young people aged 5-17 years old should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily; 2Physical activity lasting longer than 60 minutes daily will provide additional health benefits; 3Most daily physical activity should be aerobic.

Diet—Consuming too many high-calorie, low-nutrient foods and beverages, such as potato chips and soda, leads to excess weight gain. 6 While the program initially began in 17 elementary schools, BHC now includes programs for elementary, middle and high school students across the state.

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